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Wednesday, June 11, 2014

28mm Bolt Action Italian Paracadutisti

I have two or three of these boxes of the splendid Bolt Action Italian paratroopers. I recently started a thread on The Miniatures Page asking about Italian paratroop camouflage and got a wealth of information. I've only painted one pattern here but I will be painting other patterns on the other boxes and then making mixed sets, which will look better and hopefully be more realistic. I went with blue "Luftwaffe" trousers here as they look great. I will do the same for the other sets except perhaps for a few pairs of field grey - you can over do a good thing.

The first image is cropped so you can see the pattern very clearly. It has been painted very precisely, which took a long time, but the whole thing is a bit dark to see in photos.  I am loath to change something just because it doesn't look as good in photos as it does in real life. This is another reason for painting other, lighter, examples of patterns on the other sets and mixing them up. I think the contrast will also look good and lift the appearance, in photos as well as in life, of the whole unit.

One final note. Some of the paras had certain jackets which were plain green. So I have done them that way.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

28mm Napoleonic Prussian and Russian line

The Russians are from Warlord (plastics) and the Prussians are from Perry (plastics again). Flags are thrown in with each set so I put them on. There is virtually nothing to the figure assembly for either set.

The Perry figures come with six volunteer Jaeger which I've used as skirmishers. Head gear for the figures is either a cap (for VJs), a shako (for either VJs or the line) and undress caps for the line. Generally I field Prussians as 32s so this set gives me one battalion, and extra base, and a skirmisher unit. This is how it works out for In The Grand Manner, which is my rule set of choice.

For the Warlord Russians you can choose plumed or unplumed shakos. So you can make Musketeer or Grenadier battalions. The Warlord Russians have a weird officer. If I were painting more I'd use another figure in his place as he is too distinctive.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

28mm Bolt Action WW2 Soviet infantry

I think the Bolt Action Soviet starter may be the nicest of their starters. This is partly because of the nice blue trousers, and skirt, on some of the figures. The models are also nice.

I always try to paint a variety of uniform colours for the most "ragged" armies where there would have been many different shades. I do this mainly for the Soviets and Germans.

With these plastic figures it is easy to customise, with the assistance of a blade and some glue.

28mm Bolt Action WW2 British infantry

Once again these are part of a starter army where I haven't yet done the vehicles and AT. They are nice models and I found the set to be good value.

28mm Bolt Action WW2 US infantry

28mm Bolt Action WW2 US infantry. These are from the BA US starter box. I haven't gotten around to doing the vehicles and AT. I have to be in the mood. I am a bit funny that way.

There are lots of options in these starter armies. This is one of the nice things about plastics. But I bet many people cock up the placement of items, having them above a belt where they should be handing down etc.

28mm Bolt Action WW2 Fallschirmjager

You can see my rendition of the German "splinter" camouflage pattern here. I love the blue trousers, which I think make a nice contrast on the Wargame table.

Friday, June 6, 2014

28mm Old Glory Roman Legionaries in segmented armour

These are Old Glory figures. You can buy them dead cheap in a packet of 30 with the Old Glory Army card. These shields are hand painted. Don't do it! It took far longer than painting the actual figure. I am on the look out for shield transfers for the other units.


28mm Napoleonic Russian Novgorod Cuirassier regiment

I present the Napoleonic Russian Novgorod Cuirassier regiment. Big men on big horses, with no one daring to call them "cissy" for their pink facing colour. The figures are from Elite miniatures, who make a lot of very nice miniatures.

I painted the black breast plate black and then used a pencil to mark in a sort of scuff mark along the ridge and then one on either side. This also functions as a highlight. Then I gloss varnished the breast plate and the other metal bits.