Elite miniatures Napoleonic Russian infantry in summer dress. I have shed loads of these guys, broken up by 23 units in great coats.
Lace 'n Big Hats is a diary of my lead adventures. The title comes from a remark of Martin Rapier, a member of TMP. Lace 'n Big Hats aggregates historical periods such as the Lace wars, Seven years war, Napoleonic Wars etc, which had this elaborate dress as one common factor. I like the phrase so much I am thinking of using it as a name for a rule set I am working on. My historical interests are actually a bit broader, so I will be throwing in bits and pieces from WW2 and even the Modern era.
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Wednesday, March 30, 2016
28mm Napoleonic French Gendarme d'Elite
These are from Bicorne miniatures. I don't know if they are Bicorne or Connoisseur figures. Bicorne carries Bicorne, Connoisseur and Firing line. Gringo 40s do Gendarme d'Elite too . As do Perry. Not sure if Front Rank do them. I painted these because they are classics and remind me of the Wargames Holiday Center. Go visit the WHC if you get the chance. They are in Berkshire, UK, not far from London. They have a web site.
I saw someone else painted them here
and another one here, with snaps of re-enactors
Check out these Horse Grenadiers (at the back) from another blogger. I must have some. They look great in sky blue capes.
I saw someone else painted them here
and another one here, with snaps of re-enactors
Check out these Horse Grenadiers (at the back) from another blogger. I must have some. They look great in sky blue capes.
Tuesday, March 29, 2016
28mm Napoleonic Lippe battalion
Wednesday, March 16, 2016
6mm Napoleonic Corsican Ogre play set (ages 5 and up)
Peter at Baccus miniatures did a lovely job with this camp of Napoleon. It makes a nice pieces of decoration for the battle field.
Baccus miniatures NFR37 - My Little Ogre - The Imperial HQ
Monday, March 14, 2016
6mm Napoleonic British and French armies
28mm Napoleonic Baden, Bavarian, Saxon trumpeter conversion
A lot of "old school" ranges are missing key figures. Back in olden times you had to make these figures yourself by converting other figures. That was part of the hobby.
Here are some Baden Hussar, Bavarian Cheveauleger (I have two of these regiments) and Saxon light cavalry.
Here are some Baden Hussar, Bavarian Cheveauleger (I have two of these regiments) and Saxon light cavalry.
Sunday, March 6, 2016
28mm Napoleonic Württemberg Cheveauleger Duc Henry and Lieb Garde
Here are some more of my Napoleonic Württemberg cavalry. They are the Duc Henry and Lieb Garde Cheveauleger. The figures are mainly from Bicorne miniatures (the men) with horses from Bicorne, Connoisseur, Firing line and Elite miniatures. I had to make sure that the men all fitted onto their horses before getting started!
Württemberg Cheveauleger Duc Henry
Württemberg Cheveauleger Lieb Garde
Württemberg Cheveauleger Duc Henry and Lieb Garde regimental charge!
Saturday, March 5, 2016
28mm ACW Union and Confederate infantry (Perry miniatures plastics)
Here are some Perry miniatures plastics which I painted for someone in the USA.
Thursday, March 3, 2016
28mm Napoleonic French Gendarme à Cheval (Bicorne miniatures)
These are 28mm Napoleonic French Gendarme à Cheval. The metal is from Bicorne
miniatures. These are unusually fine figures in these days of chubby
28mm Napoleonic Russian Grodno Hussars
These are my Napoleonic Russian Grodno Hussars. The metal is from Elite miniatures. You can find something about the history of the regiment here. They were formed in 1806 with squadrons from other Hussar regiments and finished the war being awarded the Military Order decoration. Later they were taken into the Guard.
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