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Tuesday, November 24, 2015

28mm French Napoleonic General Staff

I like to tie up loose ends, painting any odd figures I have lying around. I stumbled on these figures recently while trekking across my lead pile.

I think they are from Foundry (in Nottingham). They are probably part of a larger set of Napoleon's retinue. I may yet come upon the rest or they could be painted and tucked away for a rainy day.

Foundry have some nice figures. But they are bloody expensive. They are also a bit shorter than Elite, Front Rank and others I generally use.

Saturday, October 31, 2015

28mm King's Troop Toy Town Royal Horse artillery

I bought a big box of "toy town" type figures from Eureka miniatures which I have slowly been painting up.

General: "Dem Frenchies is coming on in the same old style. Bring up your battery, Ramsay!"

Captain Ramsay: "Sah!"

"King's troop, move out!"

"Open fah!"

"Well done, lads, back home for tea and medals"

Monday, October 12, 2015

28mm Napoleonic Front Rank cavalry: Dutchy of Warsaw, French, Russian

Here are some of the Front Rank Napoleonic cavalry which I recently finished. I painted these to sell. Often I do this and then decide that I can't part with the figures. This time I deliberately bought them in unit sizes I don't use. I will have to see if this helps me part with them!

Dutchy of Warsaw 1st Chasseurs a Cheval

 French 20th Dragoons 
 French Carabinier
 Russian Guard Cossacks
 Russian Military Order Cuirassier
 Russian Ekaterinoslav Cuirassier
 Russian Novogorod Cuirassier
 Russian Pskov Dragoons
 Russian St Petersberg Dragoons

Dave Allsop figures French line infantry painted as 94th, 95th and 112th line

I have some figures from the late, great, Dave Allsop. Dave worked on a range of French, Austrian and Russian figures before his untimely death in the United States. These are some of the French figures. The figures have separate heads and many different heads to use. In addition to Dave's heads, I used quite a few from my "swap box" to add variety.

I don't think you can get these figures any more. The fit in quite nicely with the likes of Bicorne and Firing line.

Monday, September 7, 2015

10mm Napoleonic Russian line cavalry and infantry

I am painting these for Gerry of "The situation room". The snaps were taken with my phone. Sorry the second is a bit out of focus. Gerry does gaming on a grand scale using his "In the Grandest manner."

Gerry's blog is here. If you are a maniac for Napoleonics, and can get to the UK, send Gerry a message via his blog to see if you can get an invite to play at his place in Scarborough.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

28mm Perry Napoleonic Imperial Guard Commanders

When I was in the UK I picked up a pack of these Imperial Guard Commanders at the Newark "Partizan" show.

28mm Napoleonic Westphalians

These are some Perry miniatures painted up as Westphalians. I love the variety of heads which the Perry brother put into this set.


Thursday, August 13, 2015

Selling off some 15mm WW2 figures

I am selling off some 15mm WW2 figures in mixed "bags" of 50. The figures are from the Command decision range. There are American, British, German and Russian to choose from.

Details here

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

28mm Black Brunswickers

With the anniversary of Waterloo approaching I can appreciate Napoleon's cry, in the film "Waterloo", of "I need zoze men!". We have had two hundred years to prepare for this day. I still have units to finish. I have yet to do the horses for my Brunswick cavalry, which consists of 32 Hussars and 8 Lancers, are without horses.

All of these figures are form Elite miniatures.

The horse artillery. 

Lieb Garde and Avant Garde skirmishers

There are seven battalions, including the Lieb Garde, and two skirmisher screens.

It is hard to see the highlights on the black in photos. They are there! I think that the key thing about painting black is that it should still look black after a highlight, not grey.

Friday, May 15, 2015

28mm Napoleonic Polish and Bavarian Generals

This is the sort of thing I have sitting around for ages while I get around to basing. I couldn't decide who to put on particular bases, or how many figures to use per base. I think I still have some Polish Generals floating around.

28mm French Napoleonic Imperial Guard Band

This is the original Blues brothers band. The figures are from Bicorne miniatures. You seem them pop up occasionally at the Wargames Holiday Center and other places people with too many figures gather. For the Wargamer who has everything...

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Westphalian foot and horse artillery (Elite miniatures)

These are Elite miniatures Westphalian figures. Peter Morby has quitely been developing a vast range. He doesn't advertise much. The figures don't get the credit they deserve.

I have so many guns knocking around that I just paint the crews these days. I have enough French, or British, or Austrian guns (each) to stretch the length of most battle tables. I am only half kidding. I have a crazy number. Most of these will do for the allies.

Here I used some Prussian guns, for the horse artillery, and Bavarian guns for the foot artillery. I don't know why it is that I feel like using the right figures for gunners but don't care about the guns. I tell myself they could be using captured guns. Such is the currency of self deception which saves my brush time and pocket.


Sunday, May 10, 2015

War of the Austrian Succession Austrian IR 1 Kaiser

These are another unit of Spencer Smiths Spiffing 30mm War of the Austrian Succession figures. These are painted as Austrian IR No. 1 "Kaiser". I have just decided to add a pioneer to each unit. So I've more painting to do!