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Saturday, September 24, 2016

28mm Napoleonic French Imperial Guard Chasseurs a Pied, some British Hussars, and Vistula Legion infantry

Bumper episode. These are all from Elite miniatures.

I had the Chasseurs sitting around for years because there was no commander for them. Had to get him from the UK last trip.

Vistula legion. Very fine figures from Elite. Not many people seem to be aware of the extent of the range.

These are to make up my British Hussars to 24s from 16s, which are too weak.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

28mm Napoleonic Spanish artillery batteries

A couple of Spanish batteries with French guns. The figures are by Elite miniatures.

28mm Napoleonic Westphalian Cuirassier

These are the 1st Westphalian Cuirassier. They were brigaded with their sister regiment at Borodino, in the IVth Cavalry Corps along with the Poles and Saxons.

Very nice figures. Mr Morby outdid himself.

28mm Napoleonic French Carabinier and Polish Cuirassier (Connoisseur miniatures)

There are no trumpeters in the range so you have to find suitable figures and convert them. The troopers have Cuirass, so they are no good. I took figures from the Saxon heavy cavalry. The trumpets are made with wire, araldite, green stuff as usual.

These are the French Carabinier

The Polish Cuirassier

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

28mm Napoleonic Bavarian Cheveauleger

I present to you the Konig and Kron Prinz Bavarian Cheveauleger. The metal is from Bicorne miniatures. I think the figures are actually Connoisseur. They don't come with trumpeters, so those had to be made from troopers, using wire, araldite and green stuff. These are the Konig Regiment. The horses I chose were more flat out charging than the other regiment.

Here we have the Kron Prinz regiment