These photos seem to kill some of the contrast. I will have to fool around with my camera settings.
Next step - cold war Soviet vehicles.
Lace 'n Big Hats is a diary of my lead adventures. The title comes from a remark of Martin Rapier, a member of TMP. Lace 'n Big Hats aggregates historical periods such as the Lace wars, Seven years war, Napoleonic Wars etc, which had this elaborate dress as one common factor. I like the phrase so much I am thinking of using it as a name for a rule set I am working on. My historical interests are actually a bit broader, so I will be throwing in bits and pieces from WW2 and even the Modern era.
Hi, nice work coming along there, thanks for the shout out -lol-. I think as you say the pictures probably dont show the detail. Carry on exactly as you are, black undercoat then grey base colour, keep practicing the blown panel technique, ie start on low pressure in the centre and work out the colour to leave the black surround. Then do the same with the white, however i would lighten the grey with white rather white itself.