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Wednesday, December 7, 2016

28mm Napoleonic Spanish Walloon Guard

These are the Spanish Walloon Guard. I love their bell top shakos. They stand out from the rest of the Spanish army.

The metal figures are from the illimitable Doug Mason. These are unique castings.

At the end I have a few Dutchy of Warsaw skirmishers (Elite miniatures).

Monday, December 5, 2016

28mm Napoleonic French Imperial Guard Grenadiers and Chasseurs (Victrix miniatures)

These Victrix figures paint up nicely. They kits are cheap compared to metals. I wonder how many wargamers have been able to realise their dream armies because the plastics companies produced these lovely miniatures?

These are the Chasseurs and Grenadiers of the French Imperial Guard. There are four battalions; two of each; one firing and one marching.

Marching Grenadiers

Firing Chasseurs

Marching Chasseurs

Firing Grenadiers