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Monday, April 21, 2014

Six Napoleonic Westphalian line infantry battalions

I have finally finished six line infantry battalions and two skirmisher screens to add to my Westphalian contingent. I screwed up and ordered them all with Grenadiers in bearskins whereas only the first regiment had Grenadiers in bearskins, with other regiments having Grenadiers in Shakos. Oh well, I can always replace those bases later if I get around to it. Some times things like this niggle me. Hopefully this won't!

The battalions are painted for about 1810 which is before all facing colours were changed to dark blue. 

I still have the cavalry and artillery to paint. Before I get around to that I've three battalions of Portuguese Legion, the Zastrow and Guard du Corps Cuirassier of Saxony, a couple of Portuguese officers, for line regiments I finished years ago, to complete .

These are Elite miniatures. The figures are based for "In The Grand Manner". The rule system is 1:20 figure to men ratio. Obviously it is quite a job to collect for this system. If you don't have the space or time have a look at the Wargames Holiday Center. Mark Freeth, your genial host, can supply the figures and gaming space. It is an amazing spectacle.

If you like the Westphalians you may enjoy reading this ebook written by a contemporary courtier.