Here are some light infantry to add to my 28mm Napoleonic Westphalian contingent. This time I added some static grass to the bases, which brightens them up, in addition to the tufts I used last time. The highlighting hasn't come out well in these photos. I may have screwed up the lighting.
I'm not sure the center companies had plumes. But this is how Elite miniatures do them.
I came back from a walking holiday in Nepal recently. This picture shows the virtue of taking hundreds of images in case one comes out OK! This is looking back from the route to Annapurna base camp. (on the edge of the Rum Doodle range..)
Lace 'n Big Hats is a diary of my lead adventures. The title comes from a remark of Martin Rapier, a member of TMP. Lace 'n Big Hats aggregates historical periods such as the Lace wars, Seven years war, Napoleonic Wars etc, which had this elaborate dress as one common factor. I like the phrase so much I am thinking of using it as a name for a rule set I am working on. My historical interests are actually a bit broader, so I will be throwing in bits and pieces from WW2 and even the Modern era.
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