Hot on the heels of my two Westphalian Guard battalions here are some gunners to give them support. I've no guns as I have so many for the French I doubt I'll ever get them on the table and I may as well use them for allies when needed. The figures, once again, are from Elite miniatures.
I couldn't get the horse gunners to stand up. Minus one on firing for them for hitting the ale too heavily at that last village!
Lace 'n Big Hats is a diary of my lead adventures. The title comes from a remark of Martin Rapier, a member of TMP. Lace 'n Big Hats aggregates historical periods such as the Lace wars, Seven years war, Napoleonic Wars etc, which had this elaborate dress as one common factor. I like the phrase so much I am thinking of using it as a name for a rule set I am working on. My historical interests are actually a bit broader, so I will be throwing in bits and pieces from WW2 and even the Modern era.
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