They will have lances (when they are deployed).
Lace 'n Big Hats is a diary of my lead adventures. The title comes from a remark of Martin Rapier, a member of TMP. Lace 'n Big Hats aggregates historical periods such as the Lace wars, Seven years war, Napoleonic Wars etc, which had this elaborate dress as one common factor. I like the phrase so much I am thinking of using it as a name for a rule set I am working on. My historical interests are actually a bit broader, so I will be throwing in bits and pieces from WW2 and even the Modern era.
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Thursday, April 6, 2017
10mm Mongolian horde
These 10mm lovelies are from TB miniatures in Italy. They are based for Warmaster Ancient Battles.
Wednesday, April 5, 2017
28mm Napoleonic Dutchy of Warsaw 13th Hussars
The metal is from Front Rank. I bought some of these small units to sell, and as an opportunity to look at everything in the Front Rank range. They have loads of good stuff.
Monday, April 3, 2017
28mm Napoleonic Dutchy of Warsaw skirmishers
Found a new skirmish screen for my Dutchy of Warsaw troops and painted them up. They are from Front Rank miniatures.
28mm Napoleonic British Generals
These are mainly from Foundry. There are a couple of pairs of Elite miniatures Generals and ADCs.
In settling an island, the first building erected by a Spaniard will be a church, by a Frenchman a fort, by a Dutchman a warehouse, and by an Englishman an alehouse.
Two pairs of Generals from Elite miniatures
General "Daddy" Hill (Foundry miniatures)
The Earl of Uxbridge (Foundry miniatures)
The Duke of Wellington (Foundry miniatures)
General Picton (Foundry miniatures)
General of the King's German Legion (Foundry miniatures)
28mm Napoleonic Spanish line infantry (Elite miniatures and Front Rank)
Sunday, April 2, 2017
28mm Napoleonic Württemberg Dragoons (Front Rank)
I did a binge of photographing figures nearly a year ago. I'm still stumbling across the photos from that long snapping session. Here are some Württemberg Dragoons. The metal is from Front Rank.
28mm Napoleonic Württemberg Dragoons (Front Rank)
28mm Napoleonic Austrian, French and Russian Generals (Elite miniatures and Perry miniatures)
I painted most of these quite a while ago but I've had them sitting around. I finally got around to basing the,. Most of them are from Elite miniatures, but there are some Perry miniatures Napoleonic French Generals of the Imperial Guard.
Russian Generals
French Old Guard Generals (all Perry except one guy second from the left)
Austrian Cavalry and Infantry Generals
These are Cavalry Generals
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