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Thursday, May 1, 2014

Onward, for Beer and Pretzels! My Bavarian Guard Grenadiers.

At last these stalwarts have been added to my Bavarian army. Bavarian Guard Grenadiers are not easy to find. I bought the majority of the figures from Bicorne miniatures three years ago at the Salute show in London (they are from the Connoisseur range). The nice chaps at the Bicorne stand explained I needed to add a mounted officer, a drummer and a standard bearer - probably from Elite miniatures Old Guard Chasseurs - as Connoisseur don't make these. In the end I bought a Guard Gendarme officer (Connoisseur), a standard bearer from Connoisseur (Guard Chasseur) and a Guard Chasseur drummer from Elite miniatures. Painted and based they all work together OK. Connoisseur/Bicorne/Firing line have vast ranges which vary in style. But the faces, dimensions and size of these Bavarian Guard Grenadiers seem to work well with Elite Guard Chasseurs and the other Connoisseur bits. I only just got around to putting everything together and getting these based up. Part of the delay was due to me deciding to make this a 36 man unit rather than a 32, which is what I had bought figures for initially.

The Guard Gendarme officer didn't have a plume, cords or flounders. I made the plume with a bit of wire, drilled into the bearskin. The cords were made by braiding very thin copper wire. The flounders were made with green stuff over a bit of epoxy resin which drizzled down from the right side of chappies bearskin. This is the sort of thing people did ye olden times to keep themselves amused.

The figures are based for "In The Grand Manner". I used some Silfor tufts, from Warlord Games, and some static grass, from Scenic Express on the bases. The rest is ground up sea shells dusted over PVA glue.


1 comment:

  1. A great paint job for a beautiful unit, love them!
